The 340th Bomb Group has a long and rich history, the 340th Bomb Group has a storied history that spans from 1965 to the present day, marked by periods of activation, transitions, and evolving missions.

In 1965, the 340th Bomb Group underwent inactivation, putting a temporary halt to its operational activities. However, the unit experienced a revival three years later when it was reactivated on July 1, 1968, by the Strategic Air Command (SAC) at Carswell Air Force Base (AFB) in Texas. Despite being designated as a Bombardment Group (Medium), the 340th primarily functioned as a SAC Wing during this period.

The group’s operational squadron, the 4007th Combat Crew Training Squadron (CCTS), played a pivotal role in the unit’s mission. The 340th Bomb Group was tasked with conducting initial qualification training for aircrew members operating the General Dynamics FB-111A. This aircraft, an all-weather strategic bombing version of the F-111, served as an interim solution to replace the aging B-52 Stratofortress and B-58 Hustler within the Strategic Air Command. The first prototype of the FB-111 was flown on July 30, 1967 by General Dynamics.

On May 22, 1968, the 340th Bomb Group was activated to become the FB-111 combat crew training school. Carswell AFB in Texas served as the strategic hub, as it is located near the General Dynamics plant in Fort Worth. This proximity facilitated coordination between the group and the manufacturing facility, as the FB-111A aircraft were being produced there. The shared main runway at Carswell symbolized the close collaboration between the Air Force base and the manufacturing plant.

The initial milestones in the deployment of FB-111A aircraft were marked by the first production flight of 67-0159 on July 13, 1968, followed by its official acceptance by the Air Force on August 30. Despite some initial challenges with initial planes (whose engines were designed for Navy service instead of the intended Air Force), the Air Force accepted its next FB-111A on June 23, 1969.

By October 8, 1969, the 7th FB-111A entered service with the 4007th Combat Crew Training Squadron of the 340th Bomb Group. Training for the group’s staff and instructors extended to Nellis AFB, Nevada, where they underwent instruction in TAC F-111As through the 4527th CCTS. Simultaneously, the 340th maintained a combat crew force capable of executing any necessary bombardment operations with the FB-111A.

The subsequent years saw the 340th Bomb Group adapting to changes in technology, tactics, and geopolitical landscapes. The group remained a vital component of the nation’s strategic defense, evolving its capabilities to meet emerging threats. Over time, the FB-111A, which once served as an interim solution, played its role as a critical component of the Air Force’s strategic bombing capabilities. In October of 1971, all personnel were deactivated and the 340th Bomb Group was closed out, with Major Jack Wilkinson being the last to leave Carswell Air Force bae.

As the years progressed into the present day, the 340th Bomb Group continued to be at the forefront of advancements in aerial warfare. Whether through modernization efforts, international collaborations, or contributions to joint operations, the group’s legacy extended beyond its initial role, demonstrating adaptability and resilience in the face of evolving challenges. Today, the 340th Bomb Group stands as a testament to the Air Force’s commitment to maintaining a technologically advanced and versatile strategic force.


May 1968 – October 1971


December 10

DOD discloses plans for 210 FB-111s, a new Air Force strategic bomber incorporating the basic design of the F-111A. The swingwing FB-111A has a longer wingspan and heavier landing gear than the F-111A. The bomber version is powered by two Pratt & Whitney TF30-P7 turbofan afterburning engines and is equipped with the MarkIIB avionics package.


July 30

The first flight of the FB-111 prototype is flown by General Dynamics.


May 22

The 340th Bomb Group is officially activated to become the FB-111 combat crew training school. It is assigned to the 2nd Air Force, 19th Air Division at Carswell AFB, Fort Worth, Tex. Col. Frank Voightman is designated Commander.

The 340th was first organized in August, 1942 as a medium bomb wing equipped with B-25s.During World War II it served in the European Theater until November,1945. It was reactivated for a short time as an Air Force Reserve Training Wing from October,1947 until August, 1949. In October, 1952 it was redesignated a medium bomb wing equipped with B-47s and located at Whiteman AFB, Sedalia, Missouri. It remained at Whiteman until it was deactivated in August, 1963. It soon became the340th Bombardment Wing (Heavy)at Berstrom AFB, Austin, Tex where it remained until 1966.

July 1

Major Harvey Gardner, a white, catholic navigator, is the first person to report for duty with the 340th at Carswell AFB, officially activating the Bomb Group. On July 3, Col Voightman arrives from Bunker Hill AFB to assume command. Operations and maintenance staff personnel start arriving. Col Kenneth Green assumes duties as Director of Operations and Col Ben Newsom assumes duties as Director of Maintenance.

July 13

The first production FB-111A is flown at Fort Worth by a General Dynamics crew.

August 30

The first FB-111A is contractually accepted by the Air Force.


The first FB-111 FTD Class starts for academic and simulator instructors and additional staff personnel.



The first FB-111 simulator is delivered to the 340th and assigned to the 4007th Combat Crew Training Squadron(CCTS). A second simulator is later delivered to the 340th. These simulators, along with their instructors and maintenance people, become the backbone of the training program. Because of their near realistic flight simulation, they allow crewmembers to practice the precise procedures and manuevers that they will use on an actual mission. The use of the simulators for crew training and for instructor proficiency through out the program significantly reduced the number of aircraft sorties needed to be generated.


First FB-111 SAC pilot training class goes to Nellis AFB for F-111 A training. Class consists of Col Moore, Col Parker, Lt Cols Myles, Montgomery, Duffy and Anderson.


Col Winston E. Moore replaces Col Frank Voightman as Commander of the 340th Bomb Group. Col Kenneth F. Green becomes Vice-Commander and Col John M Parker assumes duties as Director of Operations. LtCol(Col selectee)Issac Glass becomes Asst Director of Operations.


First instructor pilot training group goes to Nellis AFB for F-11IA training. Class consists of Majs Reynolds, Lother, Bass, Mountcastle, Hartford, Peterson, Russell and Capt Keskinen.


Second group of instructor pilots go to Nellis AFB for training. Class consists of Majors Helvie, Piper, Fox, Hooker, Thornton, Smith, Voelker, and Hayworth. Third group of instructor pilots also go to Nellis AFB for training. Class consists of Majors Fish, Black, Vanderziel, Suther, Searock, Rogers, Buddi, and Malinowski.


Fourth group of instructor pilots go to Nellis AFB for training. Class consists of Majors Nims, Kidd, Dill and Capts Barr, Lambert, Wachsmuth, Wolfe, and Dietrich.


The fifth and final group of instructor pilots go to Nellis AFB. Class consists of Majors Phoenix, Cummings, Bartley, Covert, Smotherman, Haynes, Wooten and Gonzales

October 8

The first FB-111 is formally delivered to the Strategic Air Command. The aircraft, piloted by Col. Winston Moore, 340th Bomb Group Commander, is flown from General Dynamics to Carswell AFB. Gen B.K. Holloway, Comander of the Strategic Air Command, officially accepts the FB-111(No. 7)into the SAC inventory during ceremonies held at Carswell.

October 17

The first flight in a production FB-111 aircraft with a SRAM test missile is successfully made by FB-111 No. 5.

November 7

Lt. Gen. David C. Jones, Commander, 2nd Air Force, becames the first general officer to fly the 340th Bomb Group’s FB-111. His flight was made at General Dynamics, Fort Worth.

November 12

First 340th crew flight was flown by Crew #1,Lt Col Steve B. Fish, Pilot, and Maj Dalton L. Koble, Navigator. The five hour flight included air refueling and low­ level bombing.

November 28

Col Green flies the FB-11lA for the first time. During the 4 1/2 hour flight Col Green and instructor pilot Lt Col Steve Fish performed air refueling and low-level navigation and bombing procedures.

December 1

Col Kenneth Green assumes command of the 340th Bomb Group following a ceremony held in the 19th Air Division Headquarters. Col Green replaces Col Winston Moore, who will assume duties as commander of the 509th Bomb Wing at Pease AFB, N.H.

December 22

Crash of a F-111A aircraft near Nellis AFB, Nevada due to a material failure of the left wing. All F-11ls and FB-11 ls are grounded by the Air Force after a recommendation by the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board that the entire fleet be subjected to an extensive ground test program.


April 8

The first SRAM missile is successfully launched from FB-111 No. 5 over the White Sands Missile Range.

May 20

A successful FB-111 SRAM launch is accomplished over White Sands Missile Range. This is the second SRAM launch and it is a high altitude, long range ballistic trajectory.


FB-111s are cleared to resume flying. The 340th Bomb Group starts receiving delivery of aircraft from General Dynamics Corp., Fort Worth.

August 26

Lt Col Dalton L. Koble recorded the first “shack” to be scored by the FB-111 A on the Lehigh, Oklahoma RBS site. Lt Col Steven B. Fish Ill was the pilot on the mission.

September 22

First launce of a SRAM missile from an aircraft flying at supersonic speed is accomplished from FB-111 No. S over White Sands Missile Range. The missile flew its programmed trajectory, commpleting all flight objectives and impacted on the range as planned.

October 7

Lt Col Robert S. Montgomery, pilot, and Lt Col Charles G.Robinson, navigator, are killed in a crash of a FB-111A just north of Carswell AFB on a night training mission. The aircraft was making an approach for landing.

November 15 - 20

FB-111s Nos.17 and 18 from the 340th Bomb Group at Carswell AFB participate in the 1970 SAC Aircraft Combat Competition at McCoy AFB, Florida. First aircraft, #17, is crewed by Lt Col Joe Lother and Maj Billy Seals. The second aircraft, # 18, is crewed by Lt Col Bob Russell and Lt Col Russell Ely. FB No. 17 places second in overall bombing navigation. FB-111 No. 18 places first in bombing competition. Competing aircraft included 23 B-52s,27 KC-l35s, 3 British Vulcans and the 2 FB-111s.

December 16

FB-111 No. 37 is transferred to Pease AFB, New Hampshire, the first FB to be assigned to the 509th Bomb Wing. Three FBs are delivered from Carswell AFB to Pease AFB during December.



2nd Air Force ORI – 340th receives an Excellent Rating


USAF JG ORI- 340th receives an Excellent Rating


The 340th Bomb Group and 509th Bomb Wing participate in RAF Strike Command Bombing Competition. The 340th aircraft, crewed by Lt Col Russell and Maj Russell Ely, places 2nd in bombing. The same FB-111 that flew in the SAC Bombing Competition is selected for the RAF Competition.


1st CEG Evaluation. 340th receives an Excellent Rating.

June 8

Maj Robert E. Reynolds and Capt Robert J. Wielatz logged the 10,000th flying hour in the FB-111.

July 17

Plattsburgh AFB receives its first FB-111. Col G. R. Abendhoff, Wing Commander of the 380th Strategic Aerospace Wing, ferries FB-111 No. 56 from Carswell AFB to Plattsburgh.

July 21

The second FB-111 is received by Plattsburgh with the transfer ofFB-11lA No. 54 from Carswell AFB.

August 21

Lt Col Bob Russell and Maj Russ Ely make an approach-end tail hook engagement. Upon returning to Carswell from a crew training mission the crew discover that the nose gear extended but the main gear remained up and locked. After much discussion with 2AF, SAC and General Dynamics, it was decided to foam the runway at Carswell and let the crew make a gear up, tail hook engagement. The aircraft was successfully landed with minimal damage. Superior teamwork and airmanship were displayed in this incident.

September 9

The last FB-111,crewed by Lt Col Dick Hartford and Maj Jim Carleton, departs from Carswell, terminating the combat crew training activity by the 340th Bomb Group. The 340th accumulated 13,312 flight hours during 3,179 sorties in the FB-111A since its acceptance of the aircraft to SAC in October, 1969.


All personnel are reassigned and the 340th Bomb Group is deactivated. Major Jack Wilkinson is the last to leave Carswell AFB and officially closed out the Group, terminating one of the most interesting and distinguished chapters of the 340th.


Steve Fish
Harvey Gardner
Chris Green
Vic Hackman
John Hopper
Bud Koble